“We would like to see more art in Zuidas. It would be brilliant to be able to take our daughter to explore exhibitions.”

Kalun and Igrien have a long history in Zuidas. The two first met while attending the Sint-Nicolaas Lyceum, and they lived in the Django tower until 10 years ago. In 2023, the couple returned to Zuidas, moving into a lovely condo in the Xavier tower with their 18-month-old daughter. They love the apartment’s spacious living room and top-of-the range kitchen, and added building facilities, like the service manager and lobby make it the perfect package. 

How did you wind up in Zuidas the first time around?
“A decade ago we had been living in the Django tower in Zuidas for maybe four or five years”, Igrien starts off. “Things were very different back then, with fewer buildings and much more open space. A big area was used for village farming.” Kalun continues: “We both studied at VU Amsterdam and attended secondary school here too, at the Sint-Nicolaas Lyceum, where we first met. After living in Amsterdam West for several years, we wanted more space and quiet. When we came across this apartment, we went to view it straightaway.”

What is your favourite spot at home?
“Because of the stunning views my favourite spot at home is the living room, but Kalun’s is definitely the kitchen”, says Igrien. “Kalun loves to cook and cooks a lot, and I get to enjoy the results.” Kalun: “We have a fantastic kitchen. And the building has a service manager and a lobby downstairs, which is great. The added service is really nice. With such a big apartment complex, it’s nice that everything is looked after this way.”

What are your favourite spots in Zuidas?
“My favourite spot in Zuidas is Gelderlandplein”, Igrien says warmly. “It’s only a ten-minute walk from here and we go almost every day. We take our daughter for a bite to eat and we run some errands. The only thing missing there is nice coffee place.” Kalun adds: “We also go to Beethovenstraat a lot for pastries at Et Claire and regularly pop over to Lebkov or Nela in Zuidas. But Gelderlandplein is our go-to spot, especially at weekends.”


What do you hope the future holds for Zuidas?
Igrien: “I would like to see more art in Zuidas. I guess that has to do with my background and interests. It would be brilliant if there was some place we could visit with our daughter to introduce her to the world of art. Being able to explore exhibitions together would be fun for us both.”

Do you want to stay in Zuidas for good?
“We used to think we would always stay in Zuidas”, admits Kalun, “but now that our daughter is getting a bit older, we’re increasingly thinking about moving out of the city. As much as we love Zuidas, it’s not the ideal place for us to raise kids.” Igrien nods in agreement: “We would prefer to stay close to Amsterdam, of course. Zuidas has a lot to offer, but for us as a family it would be more practical to have a bigger, greener space.”

Are there any downsides to living in Zuidas?
“We cannot think of many downsides. If we have to think of one, it would perhaps be the noise from some events organised here. We hardly noticed it before becoming parents, but it can be a drawback with a small child. Having said that, we do think it’s great for Zuidas that it’s thriving and lively.”